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VMware vSphere – What is New [V6.7 to V7] (EDU-VSWN7)


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Základní informace

V tomto certifikovaném praktickém třídenním kurzu objevíte nové funkce a vylepšení v rámci VMware vCenter Server® 7 a VMware ESXi™ 7. Díky reálným scénářům nasazení, praktickým návodům a cvičením získáte zkušenosti k efektivnímu nastavení a konfiguraci VMware vSphere® 7. Tento kurz doporučujeme pro všechny, kdo chtějí nasadit vSphere 7 v jejich stávajících vSphere prostředí.


Předpokládané znalosti

Zkušenosti s prací na příkazovém řádku jsou užitečné.

Pro absolvování kurzu se předpokládá, že už zvládáte samostatně provádět následující příkazy:

  • Nainstalujte a nakonfigurujte ESX nebo ESXi.
  • Nainstalujte server vCenter.
  • Vytvořte objekty serveru vCenter, například datová centra a složky.
  • Vytvářet a spravovat role a oprávnění serveru vCenter.
  • Vytvořte a upravte standardní přepínač.
  • Vytvořte a upravte distribuovaný přepínač.
  • Připojte hostitele ESX / ESXi k úložišti NAS, iSCSI nebo Fibre Channel.
  • Vytvoření VMware vSphere® VMFS datového úložiště.
  • Povolit VMware vSphere® vMotion® na hostiteli ESX / ESXi.
  • K vytvoření virtuálního počítače použijte průvodce nebo šablonu.
  • Upravte hardware virtuálního počítače.
  • Migrujte virtuální počítač pomocí vSphere vMotion.
  • Migrujte virtuální stroj pomocí VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®.
  • Konfigurujte a spravujte cluster VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler ™ s fondy zdrojů.
  • Konfigurujte a spravujte cluster VMware vSphere® High Availability .

Po celou dobu kurzu je pro vás připraveno bohaté občerstvení a kvalitní káva.






Zaměření kurzu

  • Kurz je vhodný pro systémové architekty, systémové administrátory, IT manažery, VMware partnery a jednotlivce zodpovědné za implementaci a správu architektur vSphere.

Studijní materiály

  • Originální literatura VMware v anglickém jazyce v ceně kurzu.

Příprava na certifikaci:

  • Tento kurz je součástí přípravy na zkoušku VMware Certified Professional 6.5 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP6.5-DCV).


VMware spolupráce s NICOM

Obsah kurzu

1. Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics.
  • Course objectives.

2. Management Enhancements

  • Differentiate the vSphere clients.
  • Use vSphere Client to view the vSphere environment.
  • Use VMware Host Client to view the vSphere environment.
  • Describe the vSphere 6.0, 6.5, and 6.7 enhancements to vCenter Server Appliance.
  • Describe how to back up and restore vCenter Server Appliance.
  • Explain how to patch vCenter Server Appliance.
  • Describe the new features of vSphere 6.7.
  • Summarize the purpose of content libraries in a vSphere environment.
  • Discuss the vSphere requirements for content libraries.
  • Create a local content library.
  • Subscribe to a published content library.
  • Deploy virtual machines from a content library.
  • Describe how vCenter Server High Availability works.
  • Describe how VMware Platform Services Controller™ high availability works.
  • Configure vCenter Server High Availability.

3. vCenter Architecture Upgrade and Migration

  • Describe the new architecture features of vCenter Server .
  • Choose between a distributed configuration and an embedded configuration, based on your requirements.
  • Determine the appropriate upgrade path for a vCenter Server deployment.
  • Upgrade a vCenter Server Appliance instance to vCenter Server 6.7.
  • Determine the appropriate migration path for a vCenter Server deployment.
  • Describe the new migration features of vCenter Server 6.7 .
  • Migrate Windows vCenter Server 5.5 to vCenter Server Appliance 6.7.

4.ESXI Upgrade and Enhancements

  • Determine the appropriate upgrade method for an ESXi host.
  • Describe the procedure for upgrading an ESXi 5.5, 6.0, or 6.5 host to an ESXi 6.7 host.
  • Discuss the enhancements to vSphere 6.5 scalability and performance.
  • Discuss the additional features to support hot-plug and SMART solid-state drives.
  • Describe the new capabilities of host profiles introduced in vSphere 6.5.
  • Describe the vSphere 6.7 Quick Boot feature.
  • Describe the VMware vSphere® Update Manager™ EAM integration.

5. Virtual Machine Enhancements

  • Discuss how virtual hardware 11, 13, and 14 extend virtual machine resource configurations .
  • Describe how the VMXNET3 adapter optimizes network traffic.
  • Discuss how hot-add memory is distributed across NUMA nodes in vSphere 6.x.
  • Describe the benefits of VMware vSphere® Integrated Containers™.

6. Storage Enhancements

  • Describe vSphere 6.x support for NFS.
  • Describe the VMFS6 datastore.
  • Describe the upgrade procedure from VMFS5 to VMFS6.
  • Describe the VMFS6 enhancements in vSphere 6.7.
  • Describe the benefits of using virtual volumes.
  • Describe per-virtual machine, policy-based policy management.
  • Describe how VMDK data operations are offloaded to storage arrays through VMware vSphere® API for Storage Awareness™.
  • Describe how VMware vSphere® Virtual Volumes™ is used with Windows Server Failover Clustering.
  • Describe the VMware vSAN™ enhancements in the following areas:
    • Scalability
    • Performance
    • Availability
    • Space efficiency
    • Operational
    • Usability
  • Describe the interoperability enhancements to VMware vSphere® Storage DRS™ and VMware vSphere® Storage I/O Control.
  • Describe the enhancements to vSphere Storage DRS and Storage I/O Control that improve adherence to configured maximums and reservations

7. Security Enhancements

  • Discuss the improvements to lockdown settings.
  • Describe the addition of smart-card authentication.
  • Explain the changes that enhance user accountability.
  • Plan for secure boot support for ESXi hosts.
  • Describe the security enhancements .
  • Deploy enhanced vCenter Server events and alarms and vSphere logging.
  • Describe the vSphere 6.7 features for monitoring vCenter Server Appliance.
  • Use encryption in your vSphere environment.
  • Encrypt virtual machines.
  • Explain how to back up encrypted virtual machines.
  • Encrypt core dumps.
  • Enable encrypted vSphere vMotion migration.
  • Describe the virtual TPM feature in vSphere 6.7.
  • List the core security modules that are part of VMware Platform Services Controller™.
  • List the VMware certificate management components.
  • Describe certificate use changes in vSphere 6.0.
  • Describe the primary services provided by the VMware Certificate Authority component.
  • Describe the primary services provided by the VMware Endpoint Certificate Store component.
  • Define VMware CA certificate replacement options.
  • Describe ESXi certificate replacement options.
  • Discuss certificate-based guest authentication.

8. Network Enhancements

  • Use Network I/O Control.
  • Upgrade Network I/O Control to version 3.
  • Enable network resource management on VMware vSphere® Distributed Switch™.
  • Configure bandwidth allocation for system and virtual machine traffic based on shares and reservation.
  • Discuss IPv6 support in vSphere 6.0.
  • Explain how the gateway per vmknic feature works and how it is configured.
  • Explain the new ERSPAN headers supported in vSphere 6.5 and how they are configured.
  • Describe the areas where performance improvements were made in vSphere 6.5.

9. Availability Enhancements

  • Describe the TCP/IP stack for vSphere vMotion that was introduced in vSphere 6.0.
  • Explain the changes that make vSphere vMotion migrations across high-latency networks possible.
  • Discuss the requirements for migrating a virtual machine across vCenter Server instances.
  • Explain how VMware vSphere® Fault Tolerance in vSphere 6.0 supports virtual machines with multiple virtual CPUs.
  • Describe how vSphere Fault Tolerance maintains the secondary virtual machine in a ready state.
  • Explain the mechanism by which the primary virtual machine is determined.
  • Discuss the improvements made in handling all paths down (APD) and permanent device lost (PDL) conditions.
  • Describe the increased scalability of vSphere HA.
  • Explain the additional compatibility supported by vSphere HA.
  • Explain the enhancement of vSphere HA admission control in vSphere 6.5.
  • Describe the improvement of vSphere HA orchestrated restarts.

Co se naučíte

  • List and describe the importance of key features and enhancements in vSphere 6.7, and 7.

  • Use VMware vSphere® Client™, VMware Host Client™, and the VMware vCenter® Server Appliance™ shell to view and configure the vSphere environment.

  • Migrate a Windows vCenter Server system to vCenter Server Appliance 7.

  • Determine the proper upgrade path for a vCenter Server instance, and upgrade vCenter Server to version 7.

  • Use the appropriate method to upgrade an ESXi host.

  • Create a multisite content library for synchronizing virtual machine templates, vApps, ISO images, and scripts across vCenter Server instances.

  • Deploy virtual machines from a content library.

  • Increase ESXi security by enabling lockdown mode on an ESXi host.

  • Upgrade virtual machines to the latest virtual hardware and VMware Tools™ version.

  • Configure NFS - and iSCSI-backed virtual volumes to provide a common storage platform, independent of the underlying storage hardware.

  • Create storage policies, and use them with virtual machines and virtual volume datastores.

  • Register a key management server with vCenter Server, and create an encrypted virtual machine.

  • Create a distributed switch, and use VMware vSphere® Network I/O Control to allocate bandwidth for a virtual machine.

  • Activate VMware vCenter Server® High Availability.

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